Tuesday, 21 August 2012

#016, #010, #082 Star Wars Trilogy

Okay…massive spoilers guys…just warning you. Darth Vader is Luke's Father. No. Seriously.

Not only is the expression "Luke, I am your father" a very famous misquote, it's also famously misemphasised. The actual quote is "No, I am your Father" (with the emphasis on the "I").

So i decided that these three movies should be lumped together into one review because…well…I'm lazy.

I believe that I have seen these movies before but I was very young and don't really remember them at all. I would quite like to erase any prior knowledge of the movie from my memory. It would be interesting to meet someone who didn't know that Darth Vader was Luke's Father and watch the movie with them.

You know what would be awesome? If I could have on of those pensieves from Harry Potter so that I could remove all knowledge I have about a movie before watching it. Then I could re-experience movies as I did the first time, and I could watch Star Wars as a kid from the 70s would have watched it, with no prior knowledge at all.

The Star Wars series is so incredibly talked about that I forgot how silly it was. It's a good story but a lot of the dialogue is cheesy and there's actually quite a lot of humour in it. Yoda is totally weird too. He acts really silly and clumsy before Luke realises who he is. This is not the old, wise Yoda that we are all used to.

I feel like a snob for saying it, but I'm not a fan of the digital remastering. Most people would say this because they think that the original is perfect and shouldn't be messed with. I'm not too bothered by this. It isn't perfect. Some of it is downright stupid. Why do they always build their ships with large holes in them? They're not very health and safety conscious are they? No, I don't like the remastering because it simply doesn't fit. Some of the aliens are put in digitally and when they contrast with the ones that are in make up it doesn't look right. The mix of technologies is not only weird but actually distracting. It is what it is; if you want it to look better, re-shoot it with HD cameras. Heck, do it in 3D and I won't complain…Maybe I'll complain a little.

So I've still not actually mentioned my opinion on the movies. What can I say? Star Wars is cool. I was able to re-enjoy all the classic moments like "These are not the droids you are looking for", the epic Lightsaber battles, Yoda moving Luke's plane with the force. It's all pretty awesome.

I would recommend it to a friend…but…I reckon they would probably have already heard of it.

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